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Welcome to the
Arts Based Elementary School
A North Carolina Public Charter School
1380 Martin Luther
King Jr. Dr.
Winston-Salem, NC 27101
[email protected] | | | |
Arts Based Elementary School (ABES)
ABES is a charter public school that charges no tuition and
is open to everyone.
ABES teaches children the basics and beyond through
first-hand encounters with:
o Dance
o Music
o Theatre
o Visual Arts
ABES' K-5 students will achieve high academic performance.
They learn in classes led by creative and caring certified
teachers and through arts partnerships with local arts and
cultural agencies.
Research shows that students learn best when they are
stimulated in many ways. By teaching through the arts, ABES'
students learn all core knowledge required by the State and
much more. ABES provides:
o Small class size (15-18 students/classroom) and
individualized instruction
o Strong curriculum that exceeds the North Carolina Standard
Course of Study
o Exciting inquiry-based interdisciplinary learning,
team-taught by certified artist-educators
o Meaningful curriculum that builds on students' real-life
experiences and involves their families and community, and
o Stimulating activities that promote students' multiple
intelligences and varied ways of knowing.
ABES provides imaginative learning experiences to nurture
student character development, self-esteem, and
self-confidence. The school works to advance important
values and appreciation of art and beauty, democracy,
families, individual freedom, personal responsibility, and
building social capital -- a better and more inclusive
Supported by partnerships with arts and cultural agencies
across the Triad, ABES students learn in inspirational ways
through contact with our area's rich cultural resources.
The special educational value of ABES' curriculum is built
on current research that links:
o Studies of drawing and development of geometric/spatial
o Visual art and more refined social practices
o Dance/acting and progress in students' social/personal
o Arts and enhanced cognitive development
o Music and improved reading skills
The school day at ABES begins at 8:15 am and ends at 3:15
pm. For holidays, work days, and vacation times, ABES
generally follows the traditional calendar used by the
Winston-Salem/Forsyth County School System. If students and
parents have sufficient interest, additional arts enrichment
programs can be created on a fee basis.